Course Intro (Updated December 2023)
- This course was first created in 2021
- At the time, Dart 2.12 and Flutter 2.2 were the latest stable releases
- I’ve updated it in December 2023 to the latest Dart 3.2 and Flutter 3.16 releases
What has changed?
- The Flutter Animation APIs are (mostly) the same
- Dart has evolved, and there are many new linter rules
Latest Course Update
- I’ve updated all the starter projects and source code to Dart 3.2 and Flutter 3.16
- But I’ve not updated the videos
What does this mean for you?
- All the starter projects will be available with
git checkout <branch-name>
(much better than downloadable zip files!) - Some of the videos will show some code that is valid but doesn’t follow the latest linter rules
- To make life easier, I’ve disabled some rules in the
# These rules have been disabled for convenience, so you won't encounter
# them while following the course
prefer_const_constructors: false
use_key_in_widget_constructors: false
avoid_print: false
use_super_parameters: false
library_private_types_in_public_api: false
use_build_context_synchronously: false
sort_child_properties_last: false
- The source code is updated to Dart 3.2, Flutter 3.16
- If something doesn’t look right, check the notes below the videos
- Have fun! 🚀